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Murray Grey?   What is that?  Where did they come from?  Another breed of cattle to complicate our breeding programs?  Why use Murray Grey?

These are some of the questions Murray Grey breeders receive.  They are pleased to have answers that prove the breed's worth in today's cattle industry.  Murray Greys are a breed of moderation, calving ease, high fertility, good feed conversion and quality carcass. 

The breed originated in Australia at the turn of the century, with the crossing of a Shorthorn cow and black Angus bulls.  Murray Greys are now the third largest breed in Australia and are the top carcass breed in the country.  A little-known fact is that the Murray Greys are the most sought-after breed for the Pacific Rim countries, because of the superior carcass traits. 

At the 1997 Sydney Royal (Australia's equivalent to the Denver National Western Stock Show), 41 Murray Grey steers dominated all sections of the steer, carcass, and taste test championships.  The Murray Grey steers won eight of the ten championships and 40% of all ribbons in a 242 head, 18 breed display.  The Murray Grey breed confirmed its title as Australia's leading carcass breed in the carcass competition by providing four of the five carcass champions, including the grand champion carcass.

For the eighth time in the past 11 years, a Murray Grey has won the Sydney Royal all-breeds taste test.For the eighth time in the past 11 years, a Murray Grey has won the Sydney Royal all-breeds taste test.  Not only did a Murray Grey carcass win the taste test competition, but Murray Greys took the first seven places in the scientifically based assessment, which included five objective and three sensory values.  The analysis involves tests for moisture loss during cooking, pH, initial yield, peak force and instron compression.  The sensory values are measured by a panel with the ability to recognize tenderness, juiciness and flavor.  The taste test indicates the inherent ability of the Murray Grey breed to provide beef that is tender, juicy and flavorful on a regular and consistent basis. 

In the United States, Murray Greys are beginning to gain recognition, not only for their ease of calving and fast rate of gain, but also for their ability to produce an outstanding carcass.  L. Roberts of IBP recently reported that out of a 247 head total of crossbred Murray Grey steers, 87.85 % graded Choice or Prime.  Kim Rolfe, a commercial and purebred breeder from Brigham City, Utah, reported that in 1997 a 200-plus head pen of Murray Grey steers topped a feedlot in Malta, Idaho, with a 3.54 pound per day rate of gain.  These are examples of the type of results being obtained with Murray Greys and Murray Grey-cross cattle.

Murray Grey breeders in the west are confident when they answer questions about their breed.   This is confidence built from proven results throughout the cattle industry and from the response of many satisfied customers.  Find out for yourself!  Lindale Foxy nursing her calf, Rafter L Hannah, age 81 days, birthweight 76 pounds.

Photograph courtesy of Rafter L Murray Greys

For further information, breed standards, a breeder listing and/or a video upon request, please contact the Northwest Murray Grey Association, toll-free at 1-800-437-6977, and find out about one of the best-kept secrets in the cattle industry today.

This page was last updated November 30, 2000 

For further information, contact the
Northwest Murray Grey Association,
29449 Berlin Rd.
Sweet Home, OR 97386

Telephone:  1-541-367-5164 

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